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Writer's pictureCath Rogers

Art in the House! ~

Updated: Jun 29, 2023

God told me to be an artist, week 18.

Friday 7th April, 2023.

This week I have been in the throws of collaborating with some sensational creatives in our church. We've been bringing together an immersive exhibition for people to come and spend time reflecting on the Easter story, focusing on the darkness of Good Friday with the bright light of Easter Sunday on the horizon!

It's been an incredible experience, one filled with surprises, arty goodness and above all the amazing privilege of making art that honours the original creator, God. It definitely brings a new layer to the creative process, I've felt the responsibility to make in response to what is whispering in my spirit, but not to buckle under the self imposed pressure of making something perfect for God. He would never ask me to do that I keep reminding myself. I hear His voice whisper, just do your bit, and watch me do mine!

Bringing artworks together in the church environment is an emotional and humbling experience. The space is an artwork in itself. The beauty and structure of the building echoes the heavenly realm. Placing artwork within it requires thought and patience, the space speaks to you as you move items around. The way the room flows feels more important than any exhibition I've curated before. I am thankful indeed for my co-labourers as we make decisions together and see the space come to life as a team of kingdom creatives! We all have different experience, ideas, skills and artistic expressions. It has been such a joy travelling through this journey with them.

About halfway through the exhibition installation process I experienced a deep and somatic sensation of gratitude. I became overwhelmed with the kindness of God to let me be a part of something so beautiful and emotive in His house. I paused several times this week and marvelled at the generosity of the Father, to not only allow me to create for his church but to bring my humble gifting into a space where I, alongside my fellow artists, can attempt to represent visually some of the power of what Jesus did for us on Good Friday. It's unbelievable if you think about it, to be invited into a position where you are asked to present the gospel to other people through artwork, to create an environment for people to feel his presence and reflect on His love for them.

It's actually pretty intimidating, but yet again here is the goodness of God, he doesn't expect us as artists to hold the entire weight of the Easter story. There's no way we could fully represent the majesty of Jesus' sacrifice. We couldn't come close, even with all our effort. God doesn't expect us to, his invitation to us as creatives is to bring our piece of his light. To try our best to display an artistic honouring of Him and also build atmospheres for others to encounter Him. I think of it as building new rooms for people to step into, alternative environments that are intriguing, unusual, tangible and real. Creating such spaces removes [or at least reduces] the pressure for people to imagine or find a way to God by themselves - sometimes that's a lot to ask of others. People are tired, life can make them weary. So if we can create a ready made space for them to experience a stillness, a piece of heaven on earth they may want to stay a while, to hear more about this God and perhaps keep coming back.

Art as evangelism is potentially limitless. We do it so well with music in the church, as I've written about before, and right this week I have experienced first hand the power of immersive and considered artwork in the church, for the church, for the community, for everyone, but most importantly for His glory. And if they're already a Christian, they may fall even more in love with Jesus!

Art in collaboration with the divine can do monumental things.

This year has flipped everything I thought I knew about art and my practice's purpose on it's head. Looking back, there's a reason I made a 12ft immersive installation in art school when everyone else was making realistic human sculptures. There's a reason I've always had a deep emotional connection to being in galleries surrounded by art. When I was a child my mum said she would take me to galleries and I would sit on the benches and stare at the paintings. The atmosphere of art and the importance of people being able to access it was placed in my spirit when God created me, he knew that one day I could use it for His kingdom. Being with art and making unique spaces for others to encounter it with me is woven into my very core.

No wonder I felt out of alignment for so long doing other things.

Right here, in the unknown of being a kingdom creative is where I was always supposed to be. I was designed to be making art in the house, in God's house and for God's house.

Making art, never being quite sure what's coming next but knowing that I'm following the One who will never leave me to figure things out alone. That's my calling.

What an honour, thank you Jesus.

I'll have to stop writing now as I'm gonna start crying on my laptop!

Why not ask God what he placed in you? It may surprise you how he answers.

See you next week, Cath x

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