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Writer's pictureCath Rogers

God speaks in mysterious ways, this week for me it was through Beyoncé ~

~ God told me to be an artist, week 61.

Friday 1st March 2024.

Hear me out I know this sounds weird.

I guess it is pretty weird.

But I definitely heard something from God whilst I was listening to the new single from Beyoncé. It's true that we can hear encouragement through a myriad of different sources right? Well yes, yes it is. God is not limited. But did I think I would hear a word from God in the midst of a new country single from Queen B herself?

No, no I did not.

It's not the lyrics or country rhythm that God drew my attention to whilst listening to Texas Hold 'Em. But rather, it was the fact that Beyoncé was doing a country album.

My mind was then directed to consider her body of work. She really has a significant selection of albums and projects, with the most recent years showcasing her ability to surprise her audiences [and even those who claim not to be watching] . She really isn't afraid to turn her hand to new things.

Take her visual album Lemonade for example, something which blew us away so significantly I didn't know what she'd do next, but then several years later my eardrums are mesmerized by the dance music styling of her Renaissance album. And now country music?!!

How many artists do you really know that can do all those things? That stride into all different areas of creative expression with such confidence that we can't help but follow on behind in awe.

Not many. Not many at all.

As I continued to listen to Texas Hold 'Em on repeat in my ears I thought about all this. More specifically how Beyoncé really isn't afraid to something she's not known for. She works hard, gives her all and tries new things, regularly.

I felt the Lord whisper in my spirit that I would need some of that bravery in the coming months and years. That the tenacity that sees Beyoncé stride into new arenas would need to be my posture going forward.


Honestly, first response to this, "No thanks God, I'll leave it".

I've been sitting on the word, 'A New Thing' this year. It's been appearing everywhere, also a lot of the things I thought about doing this year have somewhat fallen apart and some things that used to give me a lot of joy just simply aren't anymore.

Things are a'changing! But I can't quite see how yet, so of course I'm wracking my brain to find the answer. All I seem to be coming up with is questions.

Is my art calling over?

Am I being directed into something brand new that I've never even tried?

Did I hear God right?

Or am I just floundering?

Is this confusion or a time for introspection and discernment.

Did I just enjoy the new Beyoncé song and now I've just built what I thought at the time as something that it was not?

Lots of questions, require lots of answers. Or so you'd think.

But I'm not hearing a lot of answers in my spirit. No clarity at all.

So I'm journalling. Combining words with pictures in my notepad and slowing distilling all the noise from the brain. I'm letting my creativity take over as I arrange all this confusing information onto something outside of myself.

If you haven't journalled before, you really should. Not just at times of confusion or when you need to sort through things, but just as a regular practice where you can offer up what's inside to the ether outside of yourself.

It's so helpful, like clearing out your attic, it creates space to see and sort through the things you own. To continue with a somewhat clunky metaphor, when you sort through your stuff you decide what to keep, give or throw away. It's cleansing and cathartic and makes a difference.

It's also a beautiful way to get doodling back into my practice which always helps me just make shapes and things for the sake of it. Like a walk for my brain in a creative garden that knows me well and let's me just thrash things out.

So how will I embody some of that Beyoncé confidence for all that's ahead, I have no idea. But maybe for now I can just journal and try to allow myself enough space to not just be afraid but maybe even a little excited?

Here's hoping.

See you next week, Cath x

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