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Writer's pictureCath Rogers

Happy Holidays and see you in 2024! ~

~ God told me to be an artist, week 52!

Friday 22nd December 2023.

It's almost Christmas and then in a heartbeat it'll be 2024! I can't get over how quickly this year has gone. It's been a bit crazy hasn't it.


It's been a whole year of writing this blog, I'm so proud of myself that give or take a week here and there I've been able to keep this up. It's been a joy and challenge. What I've loved the most is looking back over the year to see the literal ups and downs of this creative calling.

There are so many details I had forgotten along the way, it's like having a diary of the year, a chance to see all the miracles of God all over again. It's true that I'm not exactly making millions (or anything close to that) but I'm richer internally/ mentally than I've ever been. Richer in the sense that the alignment I feel is so much more valueable than any amount of money could ever be. I've also noticed my capacity for trusting in God's provision is increasing. I need his help to trust in him this way of course, but I'm noticing that he's starting to invite me into bigger and deeper trusting. This is so encouraging because it seems that earlier moments have built a good foundation for him to call me into more to enlarge for all that's ahead.

It's a good time of year to do an inventory, do you ever do that? Think about all that's happened and consider goals and dreams for the future. For many years I limited myself in both these areas becuase I felt too scared to be audacious and brave. But if this year has taught me anything it's that God's way is not going to look like my way and I need to welcome the unpredictability of it all no matter how uncomfortable.

I'm learning that the payoff is huge, the beauty in the blessings and surprises of God are worth the unknown. But more importantly the intimacy of having him in my work and business is nothing short of spectacular. I don't feel like a business owner anymore, I feel like I'm co-labouring with him and seeking his guidance for my next steps. It's magical and so so wonderful. I don't feel like I'm punching in the dark, but rather that he is showing me through successes and failures where he would like me to go and what he would like me to do.

It's so affirming to recieve from him in that way. To have him as a guiding light in the darkness of all my self doubt and fear.

As I step into next year I am still in the unknown. The direction of travel I am starting to understand better, through all the lessons I've learned this year. But I know there will be many things that surprise me next year.

I will be taking some time to travel next year. They won't be big expensive trips, like I said I'm not exactly making millions yet, but they will be filled with inspiration, time out of the rat race to commune with God, nature and my creativity. When I visit Sweden every year I lean into this kind of being and I am always blown away by what comes up for me, and which new techniques, practices and areas I start to explore with my art practice.

It's a year to be open to what emerges. In a way it's a demonstrative act to myself and God that I am taking my hands off the wheel and I am open to receive. It's a big gesture to invite the audacious dreaming back in.

Why not come along for the ride with me, in whatever way is helpful for you? You could simply allow yourself to ask God to help you dream big again? Or if God's not your thing then what about just allowing your mind to drift into the areas of wild dreams that you may have hidden away somewhere?

Here's to big dreaming in 2024. I'm all in, are you?

what's the worst that could happen?

See you next year, the blog will be back on 12th January 2024. Cath x

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