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Writer's pictureCath Rogers

I've tried to write this blog 25 times! ~

~ God told me be an artist, week 31!

Friday 14th July, 2023.

Well maybe not quite 25 times, but I've typed out and deleted many a paragraph as I've wrestled with this week's writing. It seems I have nothing to say or at least nothing that feels organic and free flowing like usual.

Some weeks it's just harder than others I guess, and perhaps this experience of lack is pretty much the perfect metaphor for a very weird week.

I think I've been fighting off a bug or something because my body has felt so drained and fatigue has been high. I'm either sleeping constantly or not at all. It's very disorientating.

However, amongst the absence of my usual activity something beautiful has emerged in my studio...

...a little pile of concertina sketchbooks, that I've slowly folded when I've felt able. They will be part of the exhibition I'm doing with my friend Maja in October.

I love making concertina sketchbooks. So much in fact that even in my reduced state this week I've managed to make a few.

So instead of writing a whole big blog against every instinct and ability in my tired body, here's a poem about making concertina sketchbook's, from my artist heart to yours.

An Ode to the concertina

I pick up each paper slice,

place it carefully upon its side,

The two ends meet.

Align their feet.

and into position they slide.

The brayer steams the edges smooth,

my light force binds them clearly.

The fold extends,

I reach end.

Each book I love so dearly.


See you next week, Cath x

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